This is it!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What's New?

Good question. The countdown continues until daughter number 2 becomes the 3rd one married.  (Math is not my thing). I need to interject a little clarification here.  I'm excited for Ashley's wedding. I think Drew is perfect for her and I know they'll be very happy. I guess she's old enough so that's not it. She's not tall enough but there's nothing I can do about that. I think my "issue" is that I'm not old enough to have 3 kids married. That means I could be a grandpa at any time. And it's not being a grandpa that's the problem; it's the title.  I still love to cruise around on my motorcycle. OK a lot of grandpas do that.  But I still like to crank up my electric guitar and play with the guys. For heaven's sake my kids are usually the ones that have to tell me to turn it down. How many grandpas do that?  I don't feel like a grandpa.  Wait a minute... I'm not one yet.  So I guess we'll see how I handle it when the time comes. 

Things have calmed down a little this week.  We had a "work in the yard" FHE last night and for varied legitimate reasons I felt like a one man family.  I received a little help and for that I'm grateful, but I was very alone for most of the time.  I tried singing FHE songs in my head while I cut the grass but my mind kept going back to "Bohemian Rhapsody."  Not really FHE music. It's hard to give yourself a short lesson in your head over the roar of the lawnmower when your attention span is already genetically impaired.  But I did get a lot of yard work done.  And that frees up my Saturday for painting...

Woo hoo

So if my face looks a little redder than normal on Monday morning its probably not a sunburn.

1 comment:

  1. Wanna know something?? I love that you're blogging now. I love "hearing" your voice in your writing. You make me laugh.
