This is it!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Older and/or Wiser

There have been many times in my life when I've wondered why older and wiser don't always go together.  Some of us have a much flatter learning curve than others.  Take me for example.  I often don't see the forest for the red hemi Dodge Challenger driving by that I really don't want but I think looks cool. Especially when it has the Shelby stripes and the front end body kit.  I realize that occasionally I'm easily distracted from important things.  I stink at remembering some of the things that matter most while instead I  think of things that are at best superfluous. You ask," So, do you want to do better?" And I ask, "Does a bear poop in the woods, do you need more than one napkin at Famous Dave's, do most NBA players have egos as big as their checking accounts; of course I want to do better!"

Since this is the first of the year and tradition dictates making several resolutions and then placing bets on when I'll break them, I've decided to make some conscious changes (since unconscious changes are so much more difficult.) I really want to eat better and I now realize after all these years that more is not better.  That goes against everything I was taught growing up.  So I will eat more healthy meals and in more moderate amounts.  With any luck by summer I can lose20 or 30 or 40 pounds.  You may ask yourself "why the sudden philosophical change and uncharacteristic desire to do better?"  Well, Merrianne has told me that if I can get down to 200 pounds I can buy a new guitar.  OK, there, I said it. I really do want to do better but I also really want a Les Paul; or maybe an SG; I haven't decided yet.  There's nothing like the warm, fuzzy sound of a Gibson humbucker pickup when its overdriven and pushed to the limit.  Trust me.  It'll make even me sound better.

So there you have it. I'm really a very shallow, transparent person who wants to make changes for the better for the right reasons too, but also for a very good wrong reason.  So hopefully next time you see me I'll be a little older and a little thinner. I still can't guarantee the wiser part. 

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