This is it!

Monday, October 31, 2011

I'm a wimp

Yes, I've reached a terrible milestone in my life. The sun is shining, it looks like its going to be a beautiful day in the 50s and I drove the truck to work because, and I quote what I said as I walked out the front door, "I don't feel like being cold."  I never thought I would reach this level of wimpiness.  Who would have thought that I would reach a point where I can't endure 10 minutes of coldness to get to work so that I can enjoy riding on a beautiful day later. 

I've been caught in so many rainstorms I can't remember them all. I was caught in an April blizzard in Utah once with snow blowing sideways so hard I couldn't see right in front of me. I've been hailed on. I've had poop fly out of the back of a cattle truck and hit me right in the faceshield. Just a few years ago I was riding to work when the air temperature was 16 degrees (at 70 mph that's -23).

What has happened to me?!  I've been looking around for a new vehicle of some type because my truck is slowly dying. I've always thought Jeeps were cool until I sat in a few of them and now I've ruled them out because the seats are not padded enough!  Can you believe that!!!  This is a reality I never thought I would have to face.

I still have no idea what I'm gonna get but for now I'm not gonna worry about it.  I'm just gonna go home from work tonight, wrap a blanket around me, sit in my rocking chair and drool while I hum to myself.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry... Travis will hook you up with dentures as soon as he can!! haha
