This is it!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Oh well...

Do you ever catch yourself trying to retrace your steps thinking it will help you remember what you just forgot?  Or you're in the middle of a conversation and you completely blank out and forget what you were going to say?  Or you rehearse in your mind all morning while getting ready for work "Don't forget to take this or don't forget to take that with you" and you still walk right out and leave it at home?  Or you're trying to think of a word in the middle of explaining something to somebody and all you can think of is the first letter?  Or you see somebody that you've known for years and you can't think of their name?  Or somebody says to you, "Do you remember when..." and they proceed to explain a detailed sequence of events that you were involved in and it doesn't even sound remotely familiar?  Or you're in a "discussion" with your youngest son and he says "but dad yesterday you said I could" and you say "no way would I say that" and then you stop and think and honestly you're not sure what you said?  Or you need to run down to the store for three little things and you don't make a list because it's only three little things but you get there and you can only remember two of them and you end up coming home without the third thing?  Or you're playing with your band and it's your turn to sing one of your favorite songs that you know inside and out because you've been singing it in the car, or in the shower, or in your head for years and years and years but now you forget the first verse? 

No? So it IS just me.  Oh well...